Is It A Goodbye? Maybe, Maybe Not

Hello to my dear fellows, As you can see from the title of my post, this may be my last post. Or not. I don't know. Maybe, it is just a break.  As you all know I write in this blog because it is a requirement of the Material Design course I take this year. I am supposed to tell you about the tools we have learned to create materials and what I have gone through while using them.  When I first heard this from our teacher Dr Gökçe Kurt Tiftik, it seemed like it would be tiring. But it was not like that at all. Writing here, talking with you, introducing all those tools with my own words... All of them was a great way to learn using those tools. I must say it also develops my English quite a lot. You know my first language is Turkish. ALSO, another plus point is that I feel like an up-to-date person who uses technology while keeping this blog. So we use technology while learning how to use technology to create materials. Isn't it amazing? Sometimes graduating and being a teacher ...

A New Strategy for ELT: Flipped Classroom

Hello, my dear fellows,

I am here again to introduce you to a completely new way of teaching! Well, when our teacher introduced us to this way of teaching, I had never heard of it before. But maybe you may have heard it because when I looked up to the internet, I saw it is actually really common. So maybe it is not completely new for you. But I would like to share my experience of using this way of teaching with you. 

Before sharing my experience, first, let me make a little introduction about it. This new way of teaching is called "flipped classroom". As the name suggests, you literally flip your way of teaching. As the teacher, you record yourself or use a video that teaches your students the intended topic. Your students watch this video and when they come to class, they practice what they have learned. I really think it is such an innovative way to teach. It is also quite advantageous for learners to use English in the classroom. You know, normally, the time we have in class usually is spent for the teacher to explain the rule. But in a flipped classroom, the time is all learners'. I am planning to use this strategy often in the future when I become a teacher (I hope).

On account of my experience, in our Material Design class, we have been given an assignment and wanted to prepare a video that teaches vocabulary. I prepared it with my friends, Rabia Tuğlu and Zeynep Uslu. Click HERE to access our video. We really tried our best to prepare this video. So I hope you all like it. Please leave your criticisms below, in the comment section. 

Before we start preparing the video, we have decided on a scenario together on Zoom. Because we thought that if we contextualize the vocabulary, it will be easier for students to learn it. And this was the hardest part I think.

We have used Animaker to prepare our video. It was quite easy for us to learn how to use it. I guess, for me, one of the hardest parts while preparing our video was adjusting my voice. I tried to make it boy-ish, and at appropriate loudness and pace. If you watch the video, you will hear three voices. Yes. I am the one who vocalized the little boy. And Amy is Rabia, and Zeynep is the one who did the voice-over. 

Click here for this image!

Overall it was quite entertaining for me to prepare a video together with my friends. It never bored me and I enjoyed every minute of it. 

I recommend all of you to make research about this way of teaching and use it. I am sure you will love it.

For today, that is all from me my dear fellows. See you in my next post. Love you all!

P.S: Just a quick reminder, my dear fellows, when you go outside do not forget to wear your mask. It is so scary that more and more people around me have started getting sick because of this virus. 


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