Is It A Goodbye? Maybe, Maybe Not

Hello to my dear fellows, As you can see from the title of my post, this may be my last post. Or not. I don't know. Maybe, it is just a break.  As you all know I write in this blog because it is a requirement of the Material Design course I take this year. I am supposed to tell you about the tools we have learned to create materials and what I have gone through while using them.  When I first heard this from our teacher Dr Gökçe Kurt Tiftik, it seemed like it would be tiring. But it was not like that at all. Writing here, talking with you, introducing all those tools with my own words... All of them was a great way to learn using those tools. I must say it also develops my English quite a lot. You know my first language is Turkish. ALSO, another plus point is that I feel like an up-to-date person who uses technology while keeping this blog. So we use technology while learning how to use technology to create materials. Isn't it amazing? Sometimes graduating and being a teacher ...

About Me

Hello everyone!

This is Beyza who is speaking and who is the owner of this blog. Beyza - I am- is born in 16th May, 2000. I have also another name that begins with a 'K' but I don't like that one so much, so I'm not using it. If you wonder about it so much and die out of curiosity, I can give you some tips about it in near future.

I am planning to use this blog as a tool to tell you my adventures on using technology in teaching English as a second language.

I am currently having my education at Marmara University as a third-year ELT student who is going to be a teacher -I hope-.

I came here, to Istanbul, from a quiet and small town called Havza. For this reason, it was hard for me to adapt to this crowded and noisy city. But I'm on it so don't worry.

I am actually an introverted person. I don't like spending my time with people so much (but I have six friends that make me love this activity). I like watching movies, reading books just like everyone. I love having walks all by myself.

I also adore animals.

I think that's all I can tell you about myself. Thank you so much for reading my 'about me' page!


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