Is It A Goodbye? Maybe, Maybe Not

Hello to my dear fellows, As you can see from the title of my post, this may be my last post. Or not. I don't know. Maybe, it is just a break.  As you all know I write in this blog because it is a requirement of the Material Design course I take this year. I am supposed to tell you about the tools we have learned to create materials and what I have gone through while using them.  When I first heard this from our teacher Dr Gökçe Kurt Tiftik, it seemed like it would be tiring. But it was not like that at all. Writing here, talking with you, introducing all those tools with my own words... All of them was a great way to learn using those tools. I must say it also develops my English quite a lot. You know my first language is Turkish. ALSO, another plus point is that I feel like an up-to-date person who uses technology while keeping this blog. So we use technology while learning how to use technology to create materials. Isn't it amazing? Sometimes graduating and being a teacher ...

Did You Know AR Can Be Used to Teach English? I Did Not!

Hello to my dear fellows,

Here I am again with a real mind-blowing way of teaching. It is AR. Yes. Augmented Reality. We are going to use AR to teach English. And I am going to tell you about an assignment in which we have used this technology. I have done this assignment with my friends, Rabia Tuğlu and Bilge Yengel.

First let me introduce AR to those who have never heard of it. Do you remember the game PokemonGo which everyone played in 2016? What makes those creatures in the game look real is AR technology. Here is how Wikipedia defines it: "Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory."

I have said that we are going to use AR to teach English, right? Well, actually, we couldn't. Because we could not find a tool to create AR images. That is why, we have used QR codes in our assignment. I am sure all of you have heard of QR codes which we scan with our smartphones. They have become quite popular these days. I have even heard that they are being used as a tool to pay in restaurants. 

Click here to see this image. 

In our assignment, we have used QR codes to intorduce a city. In our case, it was Tokyo. We have given four codes three of which opens to three videos that introduces two landmark and a food. The last code opens to a 360 degree pictures of a museum in Tokyo. As landmarks, we have decided on Senso-ji and Meiji-jingu. Soba noodles was our choice of food, and we have chosen Tokyo National Museum as the museum which is a great place filled with history. 

I should say that searching for a video that introduces the landmarks and food was quite hard. Because not every video gives the right amount of information or has the fitted length. But finding a 360 degree photo was quite easy. I guess it is because so many people visit Tokyo National Museum. I cannot help saying that we literally spent one day to find a proper AR tool to use instead of QR codes, however; we were ended up frustrated at the end since we couldn't find one.

But it was also enjoying to use QR codes. I have never thought that I would use QR codes to teach English. Also it was fun learning about Tokyo. I have always wanted to go there, but right now I want even more. 

For our fruit of labour, click here please. I know I always say to you to write down your criticisms. But they are really valuable for me so you know watch you gonna do. 

Today, it was all from me my dear fellows. I wish you all a nice week. Mine will be filled with exams, so wish me luck.

Love you all, take care.


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